Love and Writing Vibes

So! I had so much fun writing “MoeMoe learns his ABCs”It will always be close to my heart. I enjoyed the process.

“Moemoe Learns His ABCs” is a product that I developed with kids in mind and I had so much fun incorporating MoeMoe in my story. I am very proud of my story and sticking to my goal and believing in my story.

I wanted to do something that was bigger then myself and give back to young readers and families. Serving and acting selfless is my norm.

MoeMoe is a special dog who means a lot to me and he came into my life during a time of growing .I will never stop writing and believing in the magic of book creating.

My first actual short story that I wrote (hopefully I can find it) was when I was living overseas in grade school called “Herby the ...” stay tuned... 🙃

Lastly ,to the young readers it’s fun being a kid BUT don’t forget to jot your ideas down as a kid then use your gifted magic to create! Learn and Create. My class for writing was called “ creative writing “ so put your ideas to pen and paper 🤗.

To view more of MoeMoe and his cuteness follow him at his Instagram Page @i_ammoemoe.  You can also purchase a copy of MoeMoe Learns His ABCs by clicking the link in the bio. Happy Reading! 

Love and Writing Vibes,

Kenya C. Henderson 

IG: Kenyaaa_Cherise